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Beautifully unconventional

With their unique sensory experiences and ways of thinking outside the box, there are lots of neurodivergent people creating highly unique and beautiful artwork. To explore the mind of an artist who thinks differently and to help us understand how Autism links to creativity, I spoke to Lupin Ferry, an autistic painter living on the stunning island of Guernsey.

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Who are you?

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What got you interested in art?

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Can you describe your work in 3 words?

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What makes you neurodiverse?

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What mediums do you use and what do you hope to accomplish with your work?

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How do you think Autism and Aphantasia affect the way you work?

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You live in a quite remote location. How does your environment affect your work?

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What are some of your favourite pieces of art that you’ve made?

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What do you think are some of the most experimental pieces of art you’ve made?

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What do you think the world needs to understand more about Autism/neurodiversity?

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