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Your Guide - Jakob Cotton

21 year-old Manchester-based media student. A visual storyteller. 

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As someone with Autism, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia, the topic of neurodiversity is one of great significance to me. The unique abilities of those whose minds work differently is a topic of growing interest, among both the public and also those in the world of business who recognise that a different way of thinking can be an invaluable asset. A search of "#autism" and "#neurodiversity" on LinkedIn will bring up thousands of celebratory posts about the strengths of people who think differently.

I decided that I wanted to further explore the merits of neurodivergent thinking by meeting some new people and letting them take us on a journey through their minds. Firstly, though, let me properly introduce myself.

Also, difficulties with speech is one of the ways my own Autism manifests itself!

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